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Thursday, August 20, 2009
2004 - Volunteer at Chi "Duck" Association and HKU Student Helper
2005 - HKU Student Helper + Tokyo trip
2006 - KFC Design Department Summer Staff
2007 - Practicum in Vancouver
2008 - Technical Officer - PolyU
2009 -

No job, no trip.
What a waste of time!!!
posted by Calvin @ 3:53 PM   0 comments
Monday, June 08, 2009
What's gone is gone.
I decide not to write it out.
Let's keep it in my heart...
posted by Calvin @ 10:57 PM   0 comments
Friday, May 08, 2009
El suicidio de Edouard Manet
posted by Calvin @ 11:02 PM  
Friday, May 01, 2009
Swine Flu
Got this announcement from the AR yesterday:

Once there are confirmed swine flu cases reported in Hong Kong, students will be required to bring their own face masks and wear them during examinations. Students who do not wear face masks may NOT be allowed to enter the examination venues.

Sadly, Hong Kong has just confirmed the first case of swine flu. Will the final exam be postponed? Hopefully yes as I absolutely doubt I can find a summer job this year. A summary vacation of 3.5 months will definitely be way too long for me. After all, I won't spend ANY time in preparing next year's study. (I am not Daniel...) And would you expect someone who doesn't have any study 1 week before the final to study in the summer vacation?!!!

Reading materials in the vacation:

Actually I am only capable to read Hikki's english mesages, which counts less than 5% of total content. i.e. 2 hours will be more than enough to finish the books...may be plus another 1.5 hour to see the pictures as well, and that's it!

p.s. To all my friends who laugh at me for buying these books: one day before long I will be capable to digest them! (when there's a Chinese / English translation LOL)
posted by Calvin @ 9:38 PM   1 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Cardigans
I have bought The Other Side Of The Moon recently, which means that after years of waiting, I get all of The Cardigans' albums finally~ The next target is the singles...well...still a long path to go.

From left to right:

Upper row: Emmerdale, Life, First Band on the Moon, Gran Turismo, Live In London
Lower row: Other Side of the Moon, Long Gone Before Daylight, Super Extra Gravity, Best of The Cardigans
posted by Calvin @ 12:58 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Painted Skin 畫皮
I watched the special preview of Painted Skin with Ar Cheong on last Saturday. The movie is quite different from my expectation. Everyone knows Painted Skin is a very scary movie, but for this version, it isn't very least not scary enough to make me scared except the sense when Zhao Wei's face was changed to Zhou Xun's suddenly. The so-called most horrible skin tearing scene, in fact, is not horrible at all.

The most impressive character of this movie is the demon buster (降魔者), Xia Bin. She protrays her role extremely very well, given the fact when she was here the audiences always laughed~

The theme song of the movie, 畫心, sang by Jane Zhang, is perhaps more impressing than the movie itself. Zhang performed the song perfectly. The rhythm is touching and the lyrics is nicely written.
posted by Calvin @ 2:09 PM   0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
FGH Website completed
After 14-months of hard work, the FGH Website is completed finally.

"Completed" means that the website is uploaded to the FTP successfully. Guesthouse owners' satisfaction is of no importance.

FGH website is actually a part of my FYP. This project brings me not only the chances to learn (the way of handling annoying boss), but also brings me at 4 things:

1) Competitions

Since this website is too simple for the FYP, we have to add extra features to please our supervisor. The extra technology we applied is RFID. What is RFID? I am not going to explain the theories behind since it's too complicated. An example of product applying the RFID is the Octopus Card. Clear enough, right? So how do we apply the RFID on our project? According to the City University professor, KY Lam, we "call the function" only! Fine...we can still participate in Microsoft Imagine Cup and Amway Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Universities IT Project Competition by our call function FYP~ The result of our team is:

Imagine Cup: Third round, and the judges commented that our idea is creative enough but not innovative enough. What a remarkable comment!
Amway: What should you expect from the only non-university representative of this university competition?!

Anyways, it's a good chance to experience how powerful the competitors are.

2) Adventures

The guesthouse is located at Chung King Mansions, a place I have never visited and don't want to visit anymore. The lifts of the building scared the hell out of me all the time. And there are always accidents one day before our visit, for example, a 密林 handgun was found on 2007/10/05. Besides, the General Manager of the guesthouse, Parkson Lee, is one of the "nicest" old men I have ever met. While a foreigner was bargaining the room rate with Parkson's wife, Parkson kept scolding the foreigner and ask him to get out, in CANTONESE, his action greatly widens with my horizon. However, compared with the adventure we had at Wah Yuen Building, the story at Chung King is nothing.

Wah Yuen Building is an old building as awful as Chung King Mansions. On 2008/04/10, the guesthouse owner wanted us to meet her at her home at Wah Yuen Building. She told us she lived on the 8th floor, but for a old building like Wah Yeun, 8th floor and 八樓 is different. We were confused when we entered the lift, and a man offered help voluntary. We told him we would like to go to 八樓, he pressed the button for us and laught in a strange way. After exiting the lift, we found four "1-floor-1" flats! The "1 floor 1" flats are one the right hand side while the guesthouse owner's flat is on the left hand side. When we left the guesthouse owner's flat, we were in the same lift with a "1-floor-1"...Initially CK and I didn't know she's a "1-floor-1", it's Zen telling us as he saw her leaving the flat. After the visit, we shared our horrible experience with the supervisor and he suggested we guys go ahead for the service. We replied, "Should you / the department sponsor us, we will".........

3) Holidays

We have visited the guesthouse twice during the lesson, but in our supervisor's handbook we have at least visited four times. Where is the extra two times? Well, they are converted to our holiday, such as the one on 2008/02/14, haha.

4) University place

I don't have a good examination result, but with my FYP, I can merely meet the minimum entrance requirement of university, even though I almost make no contribution in the FYP. I still obtain a good mark~ I really owe CK and Zen a big favour!

posted by Calvin @ 5:18 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I haven't updated my blog since 7/7/2008. And what makes me to have an update? Roger Federer again? Partly. Well, Roger has just captured his 5th consecutive title for US Open! Congratulations and well done~ From this victory, I believe he finally gets back his confidence.

Lots of things happened in the previous two months. One of the most worth talking point is the job at PolyU. However, since only my close friends know this blog, and I assume that all of you know what I have done and what I felt about this job already, so I am not going to share here, hehe.

(What a piece of bullshit...well, sorry about that. After learning from my previous experience, I am afraid that my boss will reach this website at anytime, so better not to make any comments here...)

School has started for a week and sadly my passion of university life has gone already. All because of maths...I always keep asking myself why I love Mathematics so much in my primary school but not at secondary school and now. I have deduced the answer recently. In primary school, we learnt elemantary arithmetic, the most elementary branch of math, therefore, even I have no math sense, getting an excellent result isn't a difficult task at all. With an excellent result, surely I love math, but now, I totally don't understand what's going on in the math lecture! How can I enjoy this subject...and at the same time some of my classmates treat it as a piece of cake...sigh...not to mention the 10 years old real math genius who takes the same English course as me...

At the very beginning of the semster, I still haven't decided whether I should work hard or study hard, now I know my objective clearly. Two reasons:

Long-term: Change the major
Short-term: To get a high GPA for exchange programme, target? Simon Fraser University for sure, hehe
posted by Calvin @ 11:07 PM   2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Don't expect too much from me
I love Supernova. Supernova explodes, it soon becomes as bright as the entire galaxy, and it can be seen across vast cosmic distances, but after the explosion, it leaves only a small, dense core, and usually nothing remains to rise from the dead.

One day before long, I will be a supernova. To make you surprised, to make you delighted, then I disappear, forever, forever.
posted by Calvin @ 9:26 PM   0 comments
Monday, July 07, 2008
Roger Federer
You didn't lose to Rafael Nadal.
You lost to yourself.

How can you win a match with 52 unforced errors?!

Anyways, you are still my all-time favorite male tennis player. The Olympics and US Open champions are waiting for you~!

posted by Calvin @ 8:54 PM   0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Competition, lost.
$5000, gone.

What else do I have to say?
posted by Calvin @ 10:16 PM   1 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Plan D
Plan D started on 25 May 2008

This time I am more determined than 3 years before.

At Eternity's Gate by Vincent van Gogh
posted by Calvin @ 4:04 PM  
The Sign of Satan
Trinity defines ^^ or ^^... or something similar as the signs of Satan.

Please keep a vigilant eye on the Satanist jackals.

According to The Omen,
Jackal = Mother of Satan's son


posted by Calvin @ 12:07 AM   1 comments
Monday, May 05, 2008
Campeón de Liga
Quicker than I expect, hehe

Sometimes, no news = good news, but definitely no news from a person who is on the verge of death won't be a good news. We may not understand your painfulness nor have the professional knowledge to help you , but please do give us the chance to make you happier.

ありがとう !!!
posted by Calvin @ 9:40 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Three Short Notes
1) I am never a hardworking person and I simply can't believe there's someone who's even lazier than me! Well, perhaps...this guy is testing my EQ, or examinating the limitation of my tolerance...sigh......

2) You don't know who I am...but please...please don't do such a stupid thing, okay? Many people still care you a lot!!! I wish I will never read a horrible news regarding you anymore. THANK YOU.

3) Lastly, 柏楊 R.I.P.
posted by Calvin @ 11:37 PM   2 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Not only did my parents give me a happy childhood, my dad had also recorded it down as well. Thanks to the digitalization of the ancient V8 tapes, I discovered a dew scenes which no one has watched before, such as this one, which is described as the best of best by my dad. Well, I totally concur~

This duration of the clip is only 10 seconds, but the loading time is pretty long. Be patient, and make sure the speakers are on! Click this if you still couldn't watch it.

posted by Calvin @ 11:52 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Oasis Hong Kong Airlines
Goodbye, Oasis.

Thanks for bringing me a memorable summer holiday.

posted by Calvin @ 9:22 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Who is Nina? (For Andy's Information)
Zen : Going = Calvin : Nina
posted by Calvin @ 7:05 PM   1 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
My First Weblog on 2/29
We had our first round presentation of HKIC today. Feedback from the judges:

"Innovative but still plenty of rooms for improvement....."

So are there still any hope for us moving to the 2nd round???

I think there's still hope. You can't expect students submitting perfect works, right? I believe the proposal we submitted is already far better than our preliminary one. Anyways, we already gave our best, and we should have no regrets at all. Surprisingly, there's no pressure for this presentation as I scare the "unlucky list" more....

I discussed a topic with Mike which I have never discussed with others before. Eventually, Mike becomes the 3rd person in the world knowing how Edwin Lopez and I had been cheated in my Form 3 Half Yearly Exam Post Exam activity, an activity which I will never do again, haha
posted by Calvin @ 11:33 PM   3 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
港島行山記 (2008/02/16)

Quoted from Andy's Blog

參加者: calvin, ck, and me. (zen 缺席>_<)

時間: 1點至6點

天氣: 初時有些許陽光...及後多雲...間中吹強風...

路徑: 炮台山地鐵站>寶馬山 >金督馳馬徑>小馬山>渣甸山>陽明山莊


我 地12點30分係炮台山mtr集合(ck前一日又話咩各自各食lunch,之後又同靜靜地約calvin食野=_=,搞到我一個人鬼咁早食lunch,不 滿>_<),差唔多15分鐘之後已經行到去寶馬山,calvin亦都介紹佢既住所XD,行多15分鐘,到左山口...我已經好攰(果時已經唔 想行=口=)...不過唔知聽到邊個講"依家行返轉頭仲黎得切"...突然間有股力量驅使我向前進發>_<

上左第一段山路(係 咁爬樓梯...),又開始頂唔順...calvin呢個行山老手帶左我地兩個初哥去涼亭度休息下=_=,好彩之後果一個鐘既路程都係好平坦,好舒服... "唔知點解星期六好少人行山"我地一直帶住呢個疑問行上山...好彩之後陸陸續續見到d人,多數都係外國人~o~(幾驚遇到I I >_<)










































累積左唔少行山既經驗xd, 行4個鐘既山,450ml既水已經好夠飲=口=

posted by Calvin @ 10:30 PM   3 comments
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Hong Kong Island by-election, 2007
I support democracy, but not 泛民主派. 不支持陳方安生就等同不支持民主? Bullshit!

I don't support Regina Ip, perhaps Chiang Chi Wai is a better alternative, but if I vote him instead of Ip Lau, it will simply benefit Anson Chan.

Good luck, Ip Lau~
posted by Calvin @ 11:43 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Cardigans
Happy 15th Birthday to my all-time favourtie band The Cardigans!

Magnus replied calc's message, haha.
Guess who calc is?
posted by Calvin @ 6:50 PM   0 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
I believe in destiny. Everything is planned to bring you to a certain place and at the right time.

If I didn't know who Emilie Simon is, I would not buy her CD.
If I didn't buy Emilie Simon's CD, I would not visit HMV on 25th Oct.
If I didn't buy a CD with a broken CD case. I would not return to HMV on Saturday and request an exchange.
If there's no Chris, I would not wake up at 7:45am on Saturday.
If I didn't wake up at 7:45am, I would not return to HMV at 11:00am
If I didn't come to HMV for exchange, I would not come back home at 11:45am.
If I didn't come back home at 11:45am, I would not be at the bus station at 11:30am.
If I was not at at the bus station at 11:30am, I would miss the chance of seeing a person I haven't seen for more than 3 years.
If I missed this chance............I would not write this entry.

Is it really the end of the story? I dunno. And I hope it isn't.
And what happened when I see that person? Nothing happened.
posted by Calvin @ 12:38 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
Campeón de Liga
We're the Champions!!

posted by Calvin @ 11:28 PM   0 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Food, Exhibition and PSP
Eating too much beef and 熱氣 food lately...It's all because of Alvin and President. They're the superstars in June. Alvin hasn't come to HK since 1997!!! It's really rare for a Vancouver guy...

Sunday: 國金軒 & Deep Fried Chicken Wings w/ Garlic and Butter @ Ricepaper
Thursday: 炸雞軟骨 @ Japanese restaurant
Yesterday : Mos Cheese Burger, Fried chicken and crisscut (薯塊)
Today: Ruby Tuesday Bacon Cheese Burger and lots of French fries (I miss New York Fries >.<)
Tomorrow: My cousin's 3rd birthday party....Of course there will be lots of yummy food.

I need to exercise more as I gain 3 pounds within 6 days! Fortunately, most likely, my sister will buy a Wii tomorrow! Great!!!!!~~~ (as my dad's fathers' day present?! if so I should buy a golf game for him...)

Came to an art exhibition called LOVE.LY with Alvin yesterday. "Love" as the theme, a piece of A4 paper as the platform. Damon is one of the exhibiters and he told me he wrote "Calvin Choi" as the name of artist. By the way, I got a sticker for Rachel, hope she will like it.


Alvin finally bought his PSP today. Thx President for accompanying us. Without his superb bargaining skill, we couldn't get it with such a reasonable price. Though my mom said that $1700 is the ideal price! Gosh she doesn't understand the market...And I met Damon @ the tram stop, what a coincidence.
posted by Calvin @ 11:35 PM   0 comments
Friday, April 27, 2007
除咁再現的勇氣 TsuiKam Comeback's Courage
Quoted from Damon's Blog

我 地 個 " 除 咁 缸 " 之 海 底 生 物 又 再 活 生 生 咁 靈 現 大 家 眼 前 啦 !!!

慢 慢 發 覺 那 2 隻 螺 ( 東 風 那 西 & 法 式 田 ) 失 去 了 我 們 預 期 的 功 能 : 食 長 糧 = 成 世 剩 係 清 除 玻 璃 污 漬 . 最 後 唯 有 自 己 ( 實 際 上 由 R C ) 動 手 .

算 了 吧 , " 螺 " 誰 無 過 . . . 呢 ? ! 我 知 道 佢 地 都 唔 想 蛇 , 兩 隻 走 埋 一 齊 又 唔 搞 野 , 淨 係 玩 假 草 , 真 係 幾 搞 野 喎 .

正 所 謂 . . . . . .

千 金 難 殺 心 頭 魚
好 心 難 做 唔 認 輸
東 風 那 西 法 式 田
有 幸 無 撼 再 續 延

由 於 已 很 久 沒 有 發 現 死 魚 , 咁 鬼 ( 高 ) 興 . . . 等 我 同 管 理 員 哈 飛 先 生 俾 三 個 養 魚 小 貼 士 大 家 啦 :

1 - 切 忌 擔 心 or 驚 餓 死 佢 地 , 建 議 最 好 2 至 4 日 餵 一 次 , 以 訓 練 其 忍 耐 力 , 待 週 末 和 出 外 旅 行 時 即 見 效 ;

2 - 多 施 與 關 懷 , 不 妨 跟 他 們 深 入 傾 談 內 心 世 界 , 當 然 , 荒 誕 的 笑 話 要 適 可 宜 止 , 無 聊 或 無 建 設 性 的 話 題 更 應 盡 量 避 免 ;

3 - 勤 做 運 動 , 保 持 血 管 和 身 心 舒 暢 , 減 輕 疑 心 .

今 集 既 節 目 時 間 又 差 唔 多 啦 , 多 謝 收 睇 . 愛 魚 人 仕 歡 迎 交 換 心 得 !
[ 小 弟 曾 一 度 猶 疑 此 文 章 會 否 導 致 " 防 止 虐 魚 協 會 " 的 介 入 , 直 到 今 日 , 還 是 以 驚 死 的 勇 氣 及 開 心 見 誠 的 分 享 角 度 去 編 寫 ]


除咁缸的成功之道,在於成功模擬出一個最原始的環境: 無燈, 無暖管, 無濾水器, 無氣泵, 無人定時換水、餵食......簡單來講,即係無為而治,管理員乜都唔好做就最好!


2006年10月19日接到 "方紅已於稍早不幸崩逝" 電郵及遺照乙張, 謝謝Harvey的生日禮物

posted by Calvin @ 12:43 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Battle of Mohi (11th April 1241)
The Battle of Mohi can be one of the most decisive wars in human history if Ogedai Khan had lived just one more year. After this battle, there were no more well-organized European army capable to fight against The Mongols. After this great victory, General Subutai and Batu Khan planned to invade Austria, destroy Vienna, conquer Germany and Italy. If everything goes fine, in the following year, France and Spain would have the same fate, given the complete failure of the European Knights in the aforementioned battle and Battle of Legnica.

However, the death of Ogedai Khan prevented the utter destruction of the remainder of Europe as the Mongols retreated and never returned again when the news came of the death of Ogedai Khan...
posted by Calvin @ 11:56 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Non-romantic and embarrassed story on 2005/2/14
故事發生在兩年前的今日. 男主角叫CC,女主角叫TT. 2005年2月14日是兩人第一個情人節(又名商人節),亦是CC生平第一個有情人的情人節.兩人先看了Padme Amidala的<<誘心人Closer>>,話說孝順的TT打算送一個鑰匙包俾佢daddy做生日禮物,於是佢地到利園商場行街.雖然談不上浪漫,但總算開心.


CC:「Daddy,Mommy,咁岩既,佢係我同學,我陪佢買野呀,我地返屋企啦,bye bye」



TT落車後,車上剩番CC, CC-Mom, CC-Dad, CC-Mom言語中充滿了喜悅, CC-Dad倒不以為然,還冷冷地說了句:「你俾心機讀書唔好搞咁多野啦...」

不論父母喜悅或不快,當時的CC及TT都覺得無奈,好端端的Valentine's debut慘被兩老腰斬.

但諗深一層,其實係CC自己衰多口話要返屋企在先...然而一切俱往矣!!! CC及TT還有機會在情人節行利園商場嗎? 雖然情人節已變質為商人節,但那種把臂同游的感覺,非常特別.


posted by Calvin @ 11:45 PM   7 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007


posted by Calvin @ 11:58 PM   0 comments
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Death of Saddam Hussein
While watching the Saddam Hussein before execution clip in the news report, I feel so cold and sick. It feels like my surrounding temperature drops by 10°C. I had the same feeling in the 9/11 tragedy, as I know I am not watching a movie with CG effects. Everything I watch is real. Innocent civilian are dying. Buildings are burning. Everything is utter mess.

Shame on you, Saddam. Instead of sentencing to death in the "fair" and "legal" trial and fooled by George W Bush, why don't you commit suicide when you were captured by the US soldiers? You always claims you are a martyr, but sadly you die in such an ugly way. A real martyr should die nobly.

The Iraqi seems to be very happy. When the American army vehicles pulled down the statue of Saddam Hussein in April 2003, thousands of people are celebrating cheerfully. Three and a half years after, I am curious to know how many of those happy people are still alive. How many of them still believe the Americans will bring them peace and democracy? I have no idea. I wish them all the best. I wish they have a better fate than Saddam.

Saddam, you are not alone. One day, Bush and Laden will join you in hell.
posted by Calvin @ 1:22 AM   1 comments
Joke of The Year
BAGHDAD, Iraq Dec 29, 2006 (AP)— Saddam Hussein has been hanged, state-run television reported Saturday. "Criminal Saddam was hanged to death," state-run Iraqiya television said in an announcement. The station played patriotic music and showed images of national monuments and other landmarks.

A U.S. judge on Friday refused to stop Saddam's execution, rejecting a last-minute court challenge.

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said U.S. courts do not have jurisdiction to interfere in another country's judicial process. The ruling can be appealed, but it was issued within an hour of the time Iraqi officials said they expected the execution to be carried out.

Saddam and others were convicted of murder in the killings of 148 Shiite Muslims from an Iraqi town where assassins tried to kill Saddam in 1982.

Also to be hanged were Saddam's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the former chief justice of the Revolutionary Court, the adviser said.

posted by Calvin @ 1:15 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the most talented ever and God's chosen composer, passed away on 5th December 1791, (i.e. 215 years ago) leaving his most profound work, Requiem, K.626 unfinished.

I am now going to listen to these tremendous works. All of them are world-wide know~

1) Piano Sonata No.10 in C Major K.330
2) Piano Sonata No.11 in A Major K.331(I.Andante grazioso)
3) Piano Sonata No.16 in C Major K.545(I.Allegro)
4) 12 Variations In C Major, K.265
5) Piano Concerto No.23 in A, K.488(II.Adagio)
6) Sinfonia concertante in E flat, K.364 for Violin, Viola and Orchestra(II.Andante)
7) The Marriage Of Figaro, K.492 (Overture)
8) Clarinet Concerto in A major, K.622 (II.Adagio)
9) Ave Verum Corpus, K.618
10) Requiem, K.626
posted by Calvin @ 10:02 PM   2 comments
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Old North Point (1973)
Some places/buildings which my dad, Victor and I can identify~

It seems that there was a huge car park in the ellipse. It's quite mysterious. I suppose Brammar Hill was a remote area in the 1970s..

Can anybody identify the tall building with the blue arrow?

I really don't understand why Li Ka Shing leveled Choi Sai Woo Reservoir then built the Choi Sai Woo Park. Isn't keeping the reservoir a better idea?

A touching poem talks about Choi Sai Woo Reservoir by sfiawong, may be Damon can put this in his DPS~




噢! 我的天! 為何不來幾年….
不是呀! 你看這裡是….
哎呀! 是建築商的魔法,
posted by Calvin @ 12:20 AM   2 comments
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Birthday to Hugo
I wish I am now in San Francisco so I can have fun with you! Anyways, I hope you will have an enjoyable time with Helena, as well as your wonderful regression analysis test
posted by Calvin @ 11:50 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Click to enlarge.
Please contact me if you are interested.
posted by Calvin @ 11:14 PM   0 comments
Monday, November 20, 2006
Roger Federer
World number one Roger Federer underlined his absolute dominance of men's tennis when he routed American James Blake 6-0 6-3 6-4 on Sunday to win the Tennis Masters Cup for the third time in four years.

Many people said that watching Roger Federer's games is extremely boring as Roger Federer always dominates in the game. I doubt, seeing how Roger dominated is already an enjoyment.

James Blake played very very well in the tournament, except the final. It's not his fault. The fact is no one can resist Federer now, including Rafael Nadal. I am sure that Roger is now better than Andre Agassi, may be...even better than Pete Sampras!
posted by Calvin @ 12:21 AM   0 comments
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Go hiking with Daddy today



Take a photo at the Radar, I am afraid that I absorbed too much radiation...

posted by Calvin @ 11:58 PM   2 comments
Thursday, November 09, 2006

I can never forget her famous quotes in 1997:


posted by Calvin @ 11:14 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
10.25 兒童節快樂!
點解今日係兒童節? 因為我今日去左Jade 1歲生日會及維也納兒童合唱團Concert~~

To be continued...
posted by Calvin @ 11:52 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
WTC Movie Poster: 10月19日 向英雄致敬

Hero? Me???

posted by Calvin @ 11:53 PM   4 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
Double-13 Friday + Triple Feeling
Today is the so-called "Double-13 Friday" because all the numbers in the numerical notation -- 13/10/2006 -- add up to 13 coincidentally.

p.s. the formal name of 13 Friday: Paraskavedekatriaphobia...23 characters

And I have a triple feeling today.

Disappointment is the first. The Tai Chi Club is dissolved by the Student Union. What a pity. If everything goes fine, I will be the first ever Tai Chi Club Chief Consultant who knows nothing about Tai Chi! A big loss to them.

Sorrow is the second. One of my very first fish passed away on 13/10/1999. I remember the last time I saw him, he was swimming normally, 3 hours after, I saw his dead body. I collapsed and started crying helplessly. I cannot accpet this. How come we are all powerless against death? 7 years has passed, he is still my all time favorite fish.

Third is joy. I get a wonderful CD today. It's Hungarian Rhapsodies performed by the late Hungarian virtuoso pianist Georges Cziffra in 1958. Who is Georges Cziffra? Cziffra is a famous pianist and master of improvisation. Some hates his playing style as he loves showing off. But I love it! I simply love seeing talented people showing off their master skills!

The video:

posted by Calvin @ 11:55 PM   2 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
I spent a few hours researching data for the System Development report, and turned out that all I need can be found from a document issued by the Lebanon government...

Am I dreaming?

Who said that the terrorist are not helpful?!

Me. Before today.

p.s. I am having too much 冰皮 mooncakes...
posted by Calvin @ 12:40 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
BBQ and Cycling
Cycling + BBQ with the ex-workmate on 1/10. Thx May and Carol for arranging this wonderful actvity.

Photos restructured by IFC. So real, so Jade, so May!!!

My friend said that I look like an aberrant killer in this photo. (because of the gloves???) So am I Calvin the Ripper? lol...

Chatted with Karen(I can finally classify Karen, Ginnie and Melody, yeah!) on the train and she told me how challenging and difficult LRSM is. Really? May be. By the way she will take the ACTL soon. May the force be with her.

Gosh my typing is awful today!!!
posted by Calvin @ 10:33 PM   0 comments
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I love the public library
I found a very interesting Star Wars novel at Wikipedia yesterday. Of course I wanna read it as soon as possible. So I accessed to Amazon and found this book instantly, um...the item itself costs me US16.35, which is acceptable, sadly, adding the shipping the book rises to $28.33

Then I went to eBay. The starting bid is GBP 1.5, what an attractive price. How about the shipping? Sorry, GBP 4.5...I will bid the item without any hesitation if Book(GBP 4.5) + 1.5 shipping cost but I cannot accept the shipping cost is 300% more than the book.

Lastly, I tried to find the novel from by entering the keyword "Darth Vader", Bingo! There is a copy at the Electronic Road library!!!

Now, I am enjoying this wonderful Star Wars novel~~

I love the public library!
posted by Calvin @ 12:30 AM   0 comments
Monday, September 25, 2006
9/24 VPO Concert
What a concert! My long waited Vienna Philharmonic concert. Vienna Philharmonic + Valery Gergiev!

Gergiev is a conductor full of energy. His interpretation was full of sparks. He didn't use any baton. Simply love the way he moves and body language. Or better to say, he was literally dancing with the music on the conductor's podium!

Honestly, I didn't enjoy the every minute of the concert. I am referring to Shostakovich's Symphony No. 9. Of course VPO performed this piece very well, but I simply didn't like it. May be because I was not familiar with Shostakovich. What I know is that he's a Russian born in 1906. and that's all. The young lady in front of me even slept! What a waste...

After the intermission we had Brahms's Symphony No. 4 in E Minor, for me it is the highlight of the concert and it is already worth the ticket price in its own right. I was particularly impressed by the first movement of Brahms No.4, which was played with such intensity. Everything seems to be perfect, however, I don't understand why there's no pause between the third and fourth movement...Never mind, after all, the Symphony was amazingly well played which is good enough for me to hear the difference between VPO and the other orchestras.

The encores were Hungarian Dance and Strauss's Waltz(can anybody tell me exactly which work it is?). Both were excellent, and the harp was finally here~

Thx God for letting me to see two very different concerts within 3 days. I enjoy both of them and I am looking forward to 25 Oct Vienna Boys' Choir and Brother Fong's harmonica concert on 26 Nov. (Brother Fong, your loss for not watching the concert with me!!!)

Concerts on 24 Sep, 25 Oct, 26 Nov, what a coincidence...

posted by Calvin @ 5:39 PM   0 comments
Sunday, September 24, 2006
表妹學校的Joint Schools Concert
星期五晚去了表妹學校的Joint Schools Concert. (佢做MC)

這concert可謂非常「別開生面」. Concert開始前各校及協辨機構互相贈送紀念品.讓我們一起做一道算術題吧~~學校及協辨機構的數目是9.互贈紀念品的次數是8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=36.每次約1分鐘,加埋主禮嘉賓致辭、校長致謝辭、授旗、剪綵等等.這些所謂的開幕儀式長達一小時,而整個concert的時間是7pm-9pm......

好了,concert開始了.首先是管弦樂......你總不能expect小學生們有專業的水準吧,但我相信他們是有潛質的,加油!家長們在表演期間,出出入入高談闊論...唉,你不尊重自己,也請尊重你的小朋友!接著有古箏啦、小提琴啦、舞蹈啦...忽然間,我竟聽到「大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物...」精彩!簡直是精彩! 古詩朗誦 crossover 音樂會!好戲在後頭,古詩朗誦之後竟是茶藝表演!!!音樂會上豈會有茶藝表演?! Why not? 茶倒在茶杯的聲音,不就是喜多郎的New Age music嗎?

茶藝表演後,有中國舞表演,怎料竟然是帶有極強文革氣息的「快樂的小女兵」. 一時間整個禮堂被老毛的陰霾籠罩,叫人窒息.中國五千年文化博大精深,為甚麼偏要呈現其中一段最黑暗的歷史??? 之後的節目,我也沒有細心欣賞了.

這晚小朋友們很落力,演出精彩.但大人嘛 comment...

至於我表妹,第一次做MC冇怯場,己經是成功的開始,繼續努力! I am proud of you!
posted by Calvin @ 2:24 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
History always repeats itself? NO PLZ

Wednesday: See a doctor
Saturday: Fully recovered
Sunday: Watching movie & concert, dinner with friends
Next Tuesday: ill again!


Wednesday: See a doctor
Friday: Feed 東方紅 & 翁紅 at 5:45pm
Saturday: Fully recovered
Sunday: Watching concert, dinner with friends
Next Tuesday: ???

blue: happened
red: planned
green: prediction
posted by Calvin @ 5:40 PM   4 comments
Monday, September 18, 2006
R2-D2, Batman & K.622
I have just relocated the R2-D2. Should I put my Batman in somewhere else?

One possible suggestion. And I was blamed by Mom instantly.

K.622(2nd movement) performed by Vienna Philharmonic Women's Orchestra. Please pay attention to the soloist. Her performance is marvelous!

posted by Calvin @ 6:29 PM   0 comments
Monday, September 11, 2006

posted by Calvin @ 5:58 PM   0 comments
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Thank you!
I would like to express my deepest thanks to my workmates. Stephen, Raymond, Kay, Harvey, Damon, May, Ar Ping, Edmund, Alice, Phonna, Cammy, Cookie, Wing Chai and 蓮姐, thank you for the help and guidance during this summer holiday, plus loads of jokes, gags, laugh and hahahahaha....haha.

And hereby I apologize to Wing Chai and 蓮姐 for the troubles I create......

Trivia on the Last Day:

Linda used her pass to open the door for me. What a moment! I can never forget as four Chinese characters: 「有拖無欠」.

Several pictures taken on the last day and farewell lunch:

With Ms Yeung & Ms Ng at the entrance of the Teacher's Room...

The Group Photo, Raymond is so 搶鏡~ (better no to use the term 搶鏡, this term gets me into trouble!)

With Damon, May, Harvey

With Alice

With 蓮姐

Farewell lunch at McDonald's organized by May perfectly

The Empty HK Stadium is so clean, so fresh and amazing~

posted by Calvin @ 11:21 PM   4 comments
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