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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Death of Saddam Hussein
While watching the Saddam Hussein before execution clip in the news report, I feel so cold and sick. It feels like my surrounding temperature drops by 10°C. I had the same feeling in the 9/11 tragedy, as I know I am not watching a movie with CG effects. Everything I watch is real. Innocent civilian are dying. Buildings are burning. Everything is utter mess.

Shame on you, Saddam. Instead of sentencing to death in the "fair" and "legal" trial and fooled by George W Bush, why don't you commit suicide when you were captured by the US soldiers? You always claims you are a martyr, but sadly you die in such an ugly way. A real martyr should die nobly.

The Iraqi seems to be very happy. When the American army vehicles pulled down the statue of Saddam Hussein in April 2003, thousands of people are celebrating cheerfully. Three and a half years after, I am curious to know how many of those happy people are still alive. How many of them still believe the Americans will bring them peace and democracy? I have no idea. I wish them all the best. I wish they have a better fate than Saddam.

Saddam, you are not alone. One day, Bush and Laden will join you in hell.
posted by Calvin @ 1:22 AM  
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