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Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I haven't updated my blog since 7/7/2008. And what makes me to have an update? Roger Federer again? Partly. Well, Roger has just captured his 5th consecutive title for US Open! Congratulations and well done~ From this victory, I believe he finally gets back his confidence.

Lots of things happened in the previous two months. One of the most worth talking point is the job at PolyU. However, since only my close friends know this blog, and I assume that all of you know what I have done and what I felt about this job already, so I am not going to share here, hehe.

(What a piece of bullshit...well, sorry about that. After learning from my previous experience, I am afraid that my boss will reach this website at anytime, so better not to make any comments here...)

School has started for a week and sadly my passion of university life has gone already. All because of maths...I always keep asking myself why I love Mathematics so much in my primary school but not at secondary school and now. I have deduced the answer recently. In primary school, we learnt elemantary arithmetic, the most elementary branch of math, therefore, even I have no math sense, getting an excellent result isn't a difficult task at all. With an excellent result, surely I love math, but now, I totally don't understand what's going on in the math lecture! How can I enjoy this subject...and at the same time some of my classmates treat it as a piece of cake...sigh...not to mention the 10 years old real math genius who takes the same English course as me...

At the very beginning of the semster, I still haven't decided whether I should work hard or study hard, now I know my objective clearly. Two reasons:

Long-term: Change the major
Short-term: To get a high GPA for exchange programme, target? Simon Fraser University for sure, hehe
posted by Calvin @ 11:07 PM  
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