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Monday, September 25, 2006
9/24 VPO Concert
What a concert! My long waited Vienna Philharmonic concert. Vienna Philharmonic + Valery Gergiev!

Gergiev is a conductor full of energy. His interpretation was full of sparks. He didn't use any baton. Simply love the way he moves and body language. Or better to say, he was literally dancing with the music on the conductor's podium!

Honestly, I didn't enjoy the every minute of the concert. I am referring to Shostakovich's Symphony No. 9. Of course VPO performed this piece very well, but I simply didn't like it. May be because I was not familiar with Shostakovich. What I know is that he's a Russian born in 1906. and that's all. The young lady in front of me even slept! What a waste...

After the intermission we had Brahms's Symphony No. 4 in E Minor, for me it is the highlight of the concert and it is already worth the ticket price in its own right. I was particularly impressed by the first movement of Brahms No.4, which was played with such intensity. Everything seems to be perfect, however, I don't understand why there's no pause between the third and fourth movement...Never mind, after all, the Symphony was amazingly well played which is good enough for me to hear the difference between VPO and the other orchestras.

The encores were Hungarian Dance and Strauss's Waltz(can anybody tell me exactly which work it is?). Both were excellent, and the harp was finally here~

Thx God for letting me to see two very different concerts within 3 days. I enjoy both of them and I am looking forward to 25 Oct Vienna Boys' Choir and Brother Fong's harmonica concert on 26 Nov. (Brother Fong, your loss for not watching the concert with me!!!)

Concerts on 24 Sep, 25 Oct, 26 Nov, what a coincidence...

posted by Calvin @ 5:39 PM  
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