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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Food, Exhibition and PSP
Eating too much beef and 熱氣 food lately...It's all because of Alvin and President. They're the superstars in June. Alvin hasn't come to HK since 1997!!! It's really rare for a Vancouver guy...

Sunday: 國金軒 & Deep Fried Chicken Wings w/ Garlic and Butter @ Ricepaper
Thursday: 炸雞軟骨 @ Japanese restaurant
Yesterday : Mos Cheese Burger, Fried chicken and crisscut (薯塊)
Today: Ruby Tuesday Bacon Cheese Burger and lots of French fries (I miss New York Fries >.<)
Tomorrow: My cousin's 3rd birthday party....Of course there will be lots of yummy food.

I need to exercise more as I gain 3 pounds within 6 days! Fortunately, most likely, my sister will buy a Wii tomorrow! Great!!!!!~~~ (as my dad's fathers' day present?! if so I should buy a golf game for him...)

Came to an art exhibition called LOVE.LY with Alvin yesterday. "Love" as the theme, a piece of A4 paper as the platform. Damon is one of the exhibiters and he told me he wrote "Calvin Choi" as the name of artist. By the way, I got a sticker for Rachel, hope she will like it.


Alvin finally bought his PSP today. Thx President for accompanying us. Without his superb bargaining skill, we couldn't get it with such a reasonable price. Though my mom said that $1700 is the ideal price! Gosh she doesn't understand the market...And I met Damon @ the tram stop, what a coincidence.
posted by Calvin @ 11:35 PM  
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