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Saturday, September 30, 2006
I love the public library
I found a very interesting Star Wars novel at Wikipedia yesterday. Of course I wanna read it as soon as possible. So I accessed to Amazon and found this book instantly, um...the item itself costs me US16.35, which is acceptable, sadly, adding the shipping the book rises to $28.33

Then I went to eBay. The starting bid is GBP 1.5, what an attractive price. How about the shipping? Sorry, GBP 4.5...I will bid the item without any hesitation if Book(GBP 4.5) + 1.5 shipping cost but I cannot accept the shipping cost is 300% more than the book.

Lastly, I tried to find the novel from by entering the keyword "Darth Vader", Bingo! There is a copy at the Electronic Road library!!!

Now, I am enjoying this wonderful Star Wars novel~~

I love the public library!
posted by Calvin @ 12:30 AM  
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