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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Battle of Mohi (11th April 1241)
The Battle of Mohi can be one of the most decisive wars in human history if Ogedai Khan had lived just one more year. After this battle, there were no more well-organized European army capable to fight against The Mongols. After this great victory, General Subutai and Batu Khan planned to invade Austria, destroy Vienna, conquer Germany and Italy. If everything goes fine, in the following year, France and Spain would have the same fate, given the complete failure of the European Knights in the aforementioned battle and Battle of Legnica.

However, the death of Ogedai Khan prevented the utter destruction of the remainder of Europe as the Mongols retreated and never returned again when the news came of the death of Ogedai Khan...
posted by Calvin @ 11:56 PM  
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