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Saturday, September 09, 2006
Thank you!
I would like to express my deepest thanks to my workmates. Stephen, Raymond, Kay, Harvey, Damon, May, Ar Ping, Edmund, Alice, Phonna, Cammy, Cookie, Wing Chai and 蓮姐, thank you for the help and guidance during this summer holiday, plus loads of jokes, gags, laugh and hahahahaha....haha.

And hereby I apologize to Wing Chai and 蓮姐 for the troubles I create......

Trivia on the Last Day:

Linda used her pass to open the door for me. What a moment! I can never forget as four Chinese characters: 「有拖無欠」.

Several pictures taken on the last day and farewell lunch:

With Ms Yeung & Ms Ng at the entrance of the Teacher's Room...

The Group Photo, Raymond is so 搶鏡~ (better no to use the term 搶鏡, this term gets me into trouble!)

With Damon, May, Harvey

With Alice

With 蓮姐

Farewell lunch at McDonald's organized by May perfectly

The Empty HK Stadium is so clean, so fresh and amazing~

posted by Calvin @ 11:21 PM  
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