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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
10.25 兒童節快樂!
點解今日係兒童節? 因為我今日去左Jade 1歲生日會及維也納兒童合唱團Concert~~

To be continued...
posted by Calvin @ 11:52 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
WTC Movie Poster: 10月19日 向英雄致敬

Hero? Me???

posted by Calvin @ 11:53 PM   4 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
Double-13 Friday + Triple Feeling
Today is the so-called "Double-13 Friday" because all the numbers in the numerical notation -- 13/10/2006 -- add up to 13 coincidentally.

p.s. the formal name of 13 Friday: Paraskavedekatriaphobia...23 characters

And I have a triple feeling today.

Disappointment is the first. The Tai Chi Club is dissolved by the Student Union. What a pity. If everything goes fine, I will be the first ever Tai Chi Club Chief Consultant who knows nothing about Tai Chi! A big loss to them.

Sorrow is the second. One of my very first fish passed away on 13/10/1999. I remember the last time I saw him, he was swimming normally, 3 hours after, I saw his dead body. I collapsed and started crying helplessly. I cannot accpet this. How come we are all powerless against death? 7 years has passed, he is still my all time favorite fish.

Third is joy. I get a wonderful CD today. It's Hungarian Rhapsodies performed by the late Hungarian virtuoso pianist Georges Cziffra in 1958. Who is Georges Cziffra? Cziffra is a famous pianist and master of improvisation. Some hates his playing style as he loves showing off. But I love it! I simply love seeing talented people showing off their master skills!

The video:

posted by Calvin @ 11:55 PM   2 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
I spent a few hours researching data for the System Development report, and turned out that all I need can be found from a document issued by the Lebanon government...

Am I dreaming?

Who said that the terrorist are not helpful?!

Me. Before today.

p.s. I am having too much 冰皮 mooncakes...
posted by Calvin @ 12:40 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
BBQ and Cycling
Cycling + BBQ with the ex-workmate on 1/10. Thx May and Carol for arranging this wonderful actvity.

Photos restructured by IFC. So real, so Jade, so May!!!

My friend said that I look like an aberrant killer in this photo. (because of the gloves???) So am I Calvin the Ripper? lol...

Chatted with Karen(I can finally classify Karen, Ginnie and Melody, yeah!) on the train and she told me how challenging and difficult LRSM is. Really? May be. By the way she will take the ACTL soon. May the force be with her.

Gosh my typing is awful today!!!
posted by Calvin @ 10:33 PM   0 comments
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Home: Hong Kong
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