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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Death of Saddam Hussein
While watching the Saddam Hussein before execution clip in the news report, I feel so cold and sick. It feels like my surrounding temperature drops by 10°C. I had the same feeling in the 9/11 tragedy, as I know I am not watching a movie with CG effects. Everything I watch is real. Innocent civilian are dying. Buildings are burning. Everything is utter mess.

Shame on you, Saddam. Instead of sentencing to death in the "fair" and "legal" trial and fooled by George W Bush, why don't you commit suicide when you were captured by the US soldiers? You always claims you are a martyr, but sadly you die in such an ugly way. A real martyr should die nobly.

The Iraqi seems to be very happy. When the American army vehicles pulled down the statue of Saddam Hussein in April 2003, thousands of people are celebrating cheerfully. Three and a half years after, I am curious to know how many of those happy people are still alive. How many of them still believe the Americans will bring them peace and democracy? I have no idea. I wish them all the best. I wish they have a better fate than Saddam.

Saddam, you are not alone. One day, Bush and Laden will join you in hell.
posted by Calvin @ 1:22 AM   1 comments
Joke of The Year
BAGHDAD, Iraq Dec 29, 2006 (AP)— Saddam Hussein has been hanged, state-run television reported Saturday. "Criminal Saddam was hanged to death," state-run Iraqiya television said in an announcement. The station played patriotic music and showed images of national monuments and other landmarks.

A U.S. judge on Friday refused to stop Saddam's execution, rejecting a last-minute court challenge.

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said U.S. courts do not have jurisdiction to interfere in another country's judicial process. The ruling can be appealed, but it was issued within an hour of the time Iraqi officials said they expected the execution to be carried out.

Saddam and others were convicted of murder in the killings of 148 Shiite Muslims from an Iraqi town where assassins tried to kill Saddam in 1982.

Also to be hanged were Saddam's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the former chief justice of the Revolutionary Court, the adviser said.

posted by Calvin @ 1:15 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the most talented ever and God's chosen composer, passed away on 5th December 1791, (i.e. 215 years ago) leaving his most profound work, Requiem, K.626 unfinished.

I am now going to listen to these tremendous works. All of them are world-wide know~

1) Piano Sonata No.10 in C Major K.330
2) Piano Sonata No.11 in A Major K.331(I.Andante grazioso)
3) Piano Sonata No.16 in C Major K.545(I.Allegro)
4) 12 Variations In C Major, K.265
5) Piano Concerto No.23 in A, K.488(II.Adagio)
6) Sinfonia concertante in E flat, K.364 for Violin, Viola and Orchestra(II.Andante)
7) The Marriage Of Figaro, K.492 (Overture)
8) Clarinet Concerto in A major, K.622 (II.Adagio)
9) Ave Verum Corpus, K.618
10) Requiem, K.626
posted by Calvin @ 10:02 PM   2 comments
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Old North Point (1973)
Some places/buildings which my dad, Victor and I can identify~

It seems that there was a huge car park in the ellipse. It's quite mysterious. I suppose Brammar Hill was a remote area in the 1970s..

Can anybody identify the tall building with the blue arrow?

I really don't understand why Li Ka Shing leveled Choi Sai Woo Reservoir then built the Choi Sai Woo Park. Isn't keeping the reservoir a better idea?

A touching poem talks about Choi Sai Woo Reservoir by sfiawong, may be Damon can put this in his DPS~




噢! 我的天! 為何不來幾年….
不是呀! 你看這裡是….
哎呀! 是建築商的魔法,
posted by Calvin @ 12:20 AM   2 comments
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