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Friday, May 08, 2009
El suicidio de Edouard Manet
posted by Calvin @ 11:02 PM  
Friday, May 01, 2009
Swine Flu
Got this announcement from the AR yesterday:

Once there are confirmed swine flu cases reported in Hong Kong, students will be required to bring their own face masks and wear them during examinations. Students who do not wear face masks may NOT be allowed to enter the examination venues.

Sadly, Hong Kong has just confirmed the first case of swine flu. Will the final exam be postponed? Hopefully yes as I absolutely doubt I can find a summer job this year. A summary vacation of 3.5 months will definitely be way too long for me. After all, I won't spend ANY time in preparing next year's study. (I am not Daniel...) And would you expect someone who doesn't have any study 1 week before the final to study in the summer vacation?!!!

Reading materials in the vacation:

Actually I am only capable to read Hikki's english mesages, which counts less than 5% of total content. i.e. 2 hours will be more than enough to finish the books...may be plus another 1.5 hour to see the pictures as well, and that's it!

p.s. To all my friends who laugh at me for buying these books: one day before long I will be capable to digest them! (when there's a Chinese / English translation LOL)
posted by Calvin @ 9:38 PM   1 comments
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