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Saturday, September 13, 2008
FGH Website completed
After 14-months of hard work, the FGH Website is completed finally.

"Completed" means that the website is uploaded to the FTP successfully. Guesthouse owners' satisfaction is of no importance.

FGH website is actually a part of my FYP. This project brings me not only the chances to learn (the way of handling annoying boss), but also brings me at 4 things:

1) Competitions

Since this website is too simple for the FYP, we have to add extra features to please our supervisor. The extra technology we applied is RFID. What is RFID? I am not going to explain the theories behind since it's too complicated. An example of product applying the RFID is the Octopus Card. Clear enough, right? So how do we apply the RFID on our project? According to the City University professor, KY Lam, we "call the function" only! Fine...we can still participate in Microsoft Imagine Cup and Amway Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Universities IT Project Competition by our call function FYP~ The result of our team is:

Imagine Cup: Third round, and the judges commented that our idea is creative enough but not innovative enough. What a remarkable comment!
Amway: What should you expect from the only non-university representative of this university competition?!

Anyways, it's a good chance to experience how powerful the competitors are.

2) Adventures

The guesthouse is located at Chung King Mansions, a place I have never visited and don't want to visit anymore. The lifts of the building scared the hell out of me all the time. And there are always accidents one day before our visit, for example, a 密林 handgun was found on 2007/10/05. Besides, the General Manager of the guesthouse, Parkson Lee, is one of the "nicest" old men I have ever met. While a foreigner was bargaining the room rate with Parkson's wife, Parkson kept scolding the foreigner and ask him to get out, in CANTONESE, his action greatly widens with my horizon. However, compared with the adventure we had at Wah Yuen Building, the story at Chung King is nothing.

Wah Yuen Building is an old building as awful as Chung King Mansions. On 2008/04/10, the guesthouse owner wanted us to meet her at her home at Wah Yuen Building. She told us she lived on the 8th floor, but for a old building like Wah Yeun, 8th floor and 八樓 is different. We were confused when we entered the lift, and a man offered help voluntary. We told him we would like to go to 八樓, he pressed the button for us and laught in a strange way. After exiting the lift, we found four "1-floor-1" flats! The "1 floor 1" flats are one the right hand side while the guesthouse owner's flat is on the left hand side. When we left the guesthouse owner's flat, we were in the same lift with a "1-floor-1"...Initially CK and I didn't know she's a "1-floor-1", it's Zen telling us as he saw her leaving the flat. After the visit, we shared our horrible experience with the supervisor and he suggested we guys go ahead for the service. We replied, "Should you / the department sponsor us, we will".........

3) Holidays

We have visited the guesthouse twice during the lesson, but in our supervisor's handbook we have at least visited four times. Where is the extra two times? Well, they are converted to our holiday, such as the one on 2008/02/14, haha.

4) University place

I don't have a good examination result, but with my FYP, I can merely meet the minimum entrance requirement of university, even though I almost make no contribution in the FYP. I still obtain a good mark~ I really owe CK and Zen a big favour!

posted by Calvin @ 5:18 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I haven't updated my blog since 7/7/2008. And what makes me to have an update? Roger Federer again? Partly. Well, Roger has just captured his 5th consecutive title for US Open! Congratulations and well done~ From this victory, I believe he finally gets back his confidence.

Lots of things happened in the previous two months. One of the most worth talking point is the job at PolyU. However, since only my close friends know this blog, and I assume that all of you know what I have done and what I felt about this job already, so I am not going to share here, hehe.

(What a piece of bullshit...well, sorry about that. After learning from my previous experience, I am afraid that my boss will reach this website at anytime, so better not to make any comments here...)

School has started for a week and sadly my passion of university life has gone already. All because of maths...I always keep asking myself why I love Mathematics so much in my primary school but not at secondary school and now. I have deduced the answer recently. In primary school, we learnt elemantary arithmetic, the most elementary branch of math, therefore, even I have no math sense, getting an excellent result isn't a difficult task at all. With an excellent result, surely I love math, but now, I totally don't understand what's going on in the math lecture! How can I enjoy this subject...and at the same time some of my classmates treat it as a piece of cake...sigh...not to mention the 10 years old real math genius who takes the same English course as me...

At the very beginning of the semster, I still haven't decided whether I should work hard or study hard, now I know my objective clearly. Two reasons:

Long-term: Change the major
Short-term: To get a high GPA for exchange programme, target? Simon Fraser University for sure, hehe
posted by Calvin @ 11:07 PM   2 comments
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