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Monday, May 26, 2008
Plan D
Plan D started on 25 May 2008

This time I am more determined than 3 years before.

At Eternity's Gate by Vincent van Gogh
posted by Calvin @ 4:04 PM  
The Sign of Satan
Trinity defines ^^ or ^^... or something similar as the signs of Satan.

Please keep a vigilant eye on the Satanist jackals.

According to The Omen,
Jackal = Mother of Satan's son


posted by Calvin @ 12:07 AM   1 comments
Monday, May 05, 2008
Campeón de Liga
Quicker than I expect, hehe

Sometimes, no news = good news, but definitely no news from a person who is on the verge of death won't be a good news. We may not understand your painfulness nor have the professional knowledge to help you , but please do give us the chance to make you happier.

ありがとう !!!
posted by Calvin @ 9:40 PM   1 comments
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